Coffee/tea and morning snack upon arrival provided by the Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market
9:30AM Welcome, Announcements & Introductions/Meet Your Neighbour
10:15AM Official Meeting of the Cooperative:
- 10:15 Approval of the Agenda – any other business to add?
- 10:25 President’s Report, Ashley Marlin
- 10:45 Executive Director’s Report, Keltie Butler
- 11:15 Financial Report, Vice President Wayne Edgar
- 11:45 Nominations to the Board & Introductions
- 12PM Vote to Elect Board Members
- All Other Business and close of official meeting of the Cooperative.
12:15PM lunch, suggested contribution of $10pp
1PM Forming A Partnership With Your Municipality – Geralyn MacDonald, Director of Community Economic Development, Town of New Glasgow
- Q&A followed by table discussions
2:15PM afternoon break with coffee/tea and snacks thanks to the Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market
2:30PM How To Know If Your Social Media Is Working – Gillian Wesley, Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia Cooperative Social Media Specialist
- Q&A
3:15PM Tour of the Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market
4-5PM NETWORKING EVENT. Special Guests to include:
- Karen Wong-Petrie, Director, NS Dept of Environment (Food Safety)
- Kim White, Director of Workplace Education, NS Dept of Labour & Advanced Education
- Deputy Minister Murray Coolican, NS Dept of Business
- Sheila Stevenson, Director of Slow Food Nova Scotia
- Linda Best, Founder of FarmWorks Investment Cooperative
- Emily Haynes, Executive Director of Taste of Nova Scotia
All member markets are asked to attend and vendors are also welcome. There is no cost to attend however you must RSVP to our office by Thursday, April 27th. A locally sourced lunch will be provided with a suggested donation of $10. Partners are welcome to join us for the networking hour, 4-5PM. Again, an RSVP is required by Thursday, April 27th.