The Board of Directors of Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia is a committed team of people who energize and support the vision, mission and development of the organization within the province and beyond.

At our Annual General Meeting, in Truro, on Monday April 30th, an election of four board members will take place.

Do you, or do you know someone who possesses experience and expertise that would benefit our organization and sector, including:
– Accounting and experience as a Board Treasurer (see Volunteer Job Description below)
– Board Governance Experience and/or Coop Procedure
– Strategic Thinking and/or Policy
– Fundraising and Financial Development
– Networking, Public Relations and/or Government Relations.

And who is:

  • Engaged, passionate and committed to fostering healthy local communities, economies and people; and
  • Cares about local production and the farmers’ market movement.

If you, or someone you know, fits this criteria, please give Keltie a call at our office or send an email to connect. Interested and qualified candidates will be put forward at the Annual General Meeting of Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia on April 30th in Truro.

Please note that, according to our by-laws and policy document, all Board members need not be from within our membership. We welcome nominees from outside of farmers’ market management and vendorship. A passion for this work is required whether that be the farmers’ market sector/movement, community development, entrepreneurship, rural life, agriculture, or the local food movement.

Please click here for further details regarding Farmers’ Markets of NS Coop and the commitment required of Board members.

Volunteer Job Description of Board Treasurer: The Treasurer will have an active role, as well as oversight, of the organization’s financials. The Board Treasurer will not however be asked to act as bookkeeper or accountant. It is the position of the Treasurer to work with the Executive Director to draft annual budgets and to ensure strong, working systems in regards to the financial management of the organization. It is also the position of the Treasurer to stay up to date on the organization’s financial standing and to relay this information to the Board and to the Membership. It is the position of the Treasurer to review the fiscal year end financial reports, created by an accountant, prior to submission to CRA, etc. The expected commitment is a 3 year term with an estimated 1-3 hours of work biweekly. You must also participate in the monthly Board conference calls and lead the financial committee should the committee be deemed necessary/advantageous. Financial oversight and leadership is one responsibility of the Board with the Treasurer having a leading role. The Treasurer may be a community member, a member market organizer or a vendor.

Keltie Butler, Executive Director
office phone: 902.485.9330; email:
Find us online at
Facebook: Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia